SwimMania Swim School is a family run business with a team of highly competent and friendly professionals.
We all love what we do so please check us out!
Zoe SwimMania Owner and teacher - Zoe started SwimMania in 2012 where we hired school pools but then she decided she would like to build her own pool which opened in 2018. Like a lot of the SwimMania staff she has a lot of qualifications under her belt as she has been teaching since 2006. Learning to swim should be fun at any age and Zoe makes sure all the staff at SwimMania believe this as well. She loves using all the toys we have to offer to help swimmers learn through fun.
Carla Manager – The lovely Carla is our manager at SwimMania and has worked for us for many years which is nice as she has been able to help the swim school grow. Carla is also a Teacher so you will often see her throughout the week teaching the lessons and making sure the classes are always super fun. Carla has many qualifications as she has been with us for such a long time and she absolutely loves what she does. We think she is just fabulous!
Kerry - Our amazing Kerry joined the team in 2024 as one of our receptionists and swimming assistants. She is such a great part of the team and is so good in the pool especially with the nervous kiddies. Kerry has passed her first aid course and has also done lots of pool plant training. She has always swam with us since her own kids were tiny and just loves the way we teach swimming through fun.
Lea – Lea has been swimming with us with her kiddies since we opened our new pool in July 2018 and now she is part of the SwimMania team. You will often see Lea in the water assisting with the children and you may see her on the reception desk when you come for your swimming class. Lea is qualified in first aid and she is also now a fully qualified teacher.
Erin – Erin joined the team in 2022 and is one of our fabulous swimming teachers. Erin is a great help in the pool because she has so much energy and makes her time with the kiddies super fun. Erin has undertaken lost of training with the team to make sure she is on top form in the pool and is also now a teacher.
Amie – Amie joined the team as one of our receptionists and swim assistants in 2023. Since starting with us Amie has now gained her qualifications and is now a fabulous teacher. Amie has worked with children before and absolutely loves working at SwimMania seeing the swimmers progress and reach their goals. Amy is qualified now in first aid as well as pool testing as well.
Hayley – The lovey Hayley joined the team in 2023 as one of our receptionists. You will also see Hayley in the pool as she helps the teachers in the big kiddie lessons. Hayley swims in our baby classes with her little ones and really understands how important learning to swim through fun is. Hayley has now passed her qualification in first aid.
Emma - The lovely Emma joined the team in 2024 and is one of our amazing swimming assistants. Emma is an absolutely incredible swimmer and this has really helped her ease into this job. She is absolutely great with the swimmers and has helped them achieve so many tasks the teachers set. Emma is qualified in first aid which is handy as she can help the team if anyone needs first aid on their visit to the pool.
Leanne - is one of the longest members of the team and started not long after SwimMania opened in 2012. Leanne started as a admin member then progressed to an assistant and is now the most amazing teacher. Leanne has many qualifications under her belt from teaching big kiddies to babies and also pool plant! Leanne always makes sure she keeps up with training and is qualified in first aid.
May – May Is one of our fabulous teachers. May started swimming with us with her kiddies and when we advertised for an assistant she went for the job and we knew she would be perfect for the team. She started assisting and she was jus brilliant so we decided to train May up to become a teacher. May loves teaching the kids and making her lessons lots of fun by using her imagination. May has her teachers rescue test so is qualified for first aid. You will also see May behind the desk helping out the admin team.
Amy – The lovely Amy joined the team in 2022 as one of our weekend swim assistants but you will also see her helping the admin team on the desk from time to time. She just loves helping the kiddies progress in the pool and always helps makes the lessons super fun. Amy is qualified in first aid as she has passed her teaching courses so you will now see her teaching on a Sunday.
Melissa – Melissa is one of our fabulous teachers who started with us as just a swim assistant. She just loved assisting so we started doing some teacher training quite early on and she is now a fully qualified teacher with her own classes. You will also see Melissa on the desk at the pool as she also does a lot of admin with us. Melissa loves teaching the kids and watching Melissa grow with the company has been amazing. Melissa is first aid trained and has also done a few other courses with us.
Heidi – Heidi started working with us as a weekend swim assistant. She then also took on some other weekday shifts assisting the kiddies before she became a fully qualified teacher. Heidi did lots of inhouse training before she took on her very own teaching hours and she also achieved her first aid qualifications. Heidi is a fab teacher and will make sure all the swimmers smash their swimming challenges each week.
Sarah – The lovely Sarah joined the SwimMania team in 2018 and mainly teaches during the week. Sarah also helps out on reception so you may see her on the desk some days. Sarah loves teaching swimmers from tiny babies up to big kiddies and has been teaching for many years now. She really enjoys taking part in the training sessions and has done various courses during her teaching journey.
Jo – Jo started swim classes with her daughter a few years ago who just loves the water! Jo always had so much fun in the classes so when we was looking to take on more staff members she applied for the job! We could see how enthusiastic Jo was just in the classes with her daughter so we knew Jo would be a great member of the team! She works on reception but she is mainly in the pool assisting or teaching in the big kiddies classes which she just loves! Jo is now a qualified swimming teacher and you will often see Jo covering lessons when our teachers are on holiday.
Kelly - Joined the SwimMania team in 2024 as one of our swim assistants. Kelly's children have swam with us from a really young age and she knows how important it is to learn the life skill of swimming! She is a great member of the team and always helps the swimmers achieve their tasks in the pool. Kelly is great with the kids and they love telling her all their stories and plans for the week.
Jenna – Jenna joined the team in 2019 and started of as one of our swimming assistants who is also qualified in first aid. You will often see Jenna helping out in our big kiddie classes during the week. Jenna is now a qualified swimming teacher and you may see her covering your class when your teacher is on holiday.
Sienna - Sienna joined the team in 2023 as one of our swimming assistants. The kiddies love it when Sienna is in their class as she always makes the lessons super fun and the kids love telling her about the week ahead. She has attended our training sessions and always love to learn to help the swimmers be the best they can be.